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Research Guides by Title
- A.B.I.D.E. Initiative at Luther Sem
- Abraham Kuyper and Public Theology: a bibliography
- Accessibility
- Accordance Bible Software
- Althaus-Reid, Marcella, and Queer Theology
- Alumni Services
- Ambrose of Milan: a bibliography
- Amy-Jill Levine
- Annotated Bibliographies
- Anselm of Canterbury: a bibliography
- Antisemitism
- Aquinas, St. Thomas: a bibliography
- Art and Images
- Articles and Periodicals (Luther Seminary)
- Arts, Archives, & Special Collections
- Athanasius and the Desert Fathers & Mothers: a bibliography
- Atheism: the God debate from Pascal to Plantinga
- Augustine, Saint: a bibliography
- Bach: His Faith, His Theology in Music
- Barth, Karl: a bibliography
- Basil "the Great" of Caesarea: a bibliography
- Bernard of Clairvaux and the Crusades : a bibliography
- Bible Study and Research
- Biblical Studies Online
- Bibliographies of Theologians, Thought, and Issues
- Black Liberation Theology
- Bloesch, Donald G.: a bibliography, and other Evangelical Theologians
- Bonhoeffer, Dietrich: a bibliography
- Bonhoeffer Resource Library (a Faith+Life course guide)
- Borrowing Books (Luther Seminary)
- Brueggemann, Walter: a bibliography, and other Biblical Theologians
- C.S. Lewis, his apologetics and fantasy literature: a bibliography
- Calvin, John: a bibliography
- Children, Youth & Family Ministry
- Christian Public Leadership
- Christmas and Advent, 2023: Select Resources
- Church History--New titles recently added to Library
- Church History/ Historical theology
- Church Organization and Management Course
- CL7541 Introduction to Research Methods
- Collections & Access (Luther Seminary)
- Colonizing and De-colonizing: in Theology, Ministry, and History
- Cone, James: a bibliography
- Congregational Care
- Copy, Scan, and Print (Luther Seminary)
- Copyright and Fair Use (Luther Seminary)
- Counseling (Also see "Pastoral Care and Counseling")
- Cyril of Alexandria: a bibliography
- Databases A-Z (Luther Seminary)
- Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
- Discovering Dissertation and Thesis Examples
- Dissertations and Theses
- Donate (Luther Seminary)
- E-reserves Guide (Luther Seminary)
- Ebooks (Luther Seminary)
- Edwards, Jonathan: a bibliography
- Electronic Texts (Luther Seminary)
- Erasmus of Rotterdam : a bibliography
- Faith, Lies, and Spies: Bonhoeffer's Life and You
- Feminist and Womanist Theology
- Friedrich Schleiermacher: brief bibliography
- George Whitefield and the Great Awakening: a bibliography
- Getting it Done: Organizing and Managing Ministry
- Global Missions and Missionaries
- Global Warming, Climate Change, and Christian Faith
- Global Partners Resources
- Gregory of Nazianzus: a bibliography
- Gregory of Nyssa: a bibliography
- Gutierrez, Gustavo, and Global Theologies
- Hispanic American Heritage and Religion
- History resources (also see 'Church History' guide)
- Home
- Ignatius of Loyola and the Jesuits: a bibliography
- Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyon (c.130- 202 AD): a bibliography
- Isasi-Diaz, Ada Maria: a bibliography
- Jan Hus (John Huss): a bibliography
- John Bunyan: a bibliography
- John Chrysostom: a bibliography
- John Duns Scotus: a bibliography
- John Polkinghorne, Science & Religion
- John Wesley and the Methodists: a bibliography
- Julian of Norwich: a bibliography
- Justice and Social Issues
- Justo L. Gonzalez: a bibliography
- Kierkegaard, Soren: a bibliography
- King, Martin Luther, Jr.
- LGBTQIA Resources for Ministry
- Liberation Theology
- Library Notes and News
- Library Special Collections
- Literature Reviews
- Luther Library Staff
- Maimonides (1138-1204) and Later Jewish Theologians or Philosophers
- Martin Bucer: a bibliography
- Martin Luther
- Martin Luther and Pastoral Theology & Care
- Minnesota Theological Library Association
- Moltmann, Jurgen: a bibliography, and other Reformed Theologians
- Mysticism: Ancient, Modern, and In-between: a brief bibliography
- Native American Heritage and Indigenous Religions
- New Beginnings for 2023: Select Resources for MLK--DEIB--RRR
- New Books in Gender, Sex, and the Bible
- New books in Ministry, Mission, and Leadership
- New Books in the Luther Library
- One Nation under God: Religious Freedom and Persecution in America
- Online Library Resources during COVID-19 Closure
- Online Pedagogy
- Open Access Policy for Luther Seminary
- Origen of Alexandria: a bibliography
- Pannenberg, Wolfhart: a bibliography, and other Lutheran Theologians
- Pastoral Care and Counseling Resources
- Paul the Apostle: his pastoral theology and missionary endeavors
- Peacebuilding: a research guide
- Philip Melancthon: a bibliography
- Philosophy resources
- Pope Francis and the Catholic Theologians: a bibliography
- Preaching
- Prodigal Son Art Collection
- Racism and Racial Reconciliation
- Recovery Resources
- Reinhold Niebuhr: a bibliography
- Religion and Ecology
- Religion and Film
- Requests (Luther Seminary)
- Requests & Support (Luther Seminary)
- Research & Resources (Luther Seminary)
- Saint Jerome: a bibliography
- Science and Religion
- Searching the Library Catalog: Advanced Search
- Searching the Library Catalog: Item Record
- Searching the Library Catalog: Keyword Search
- Searching the Library Catalog: Liimiting Search Results
- Self-archiving and open access policies for publishers in religion and theology
- Sexual Violence
- SG 0405 Leading Christian Communities in Mission
- Sittler, Joseph and Ecotheology
- Small Town and Rural Ministry: Some Library Resources
- Spiritual Formation & Discipleship: new books
- St. Anthony and the Desert Fathers: a bibliography
- St. Francis of Assisi: a bibliography
- St. Teresa of Avila: a bibliography
- The Music of Faith
- Theological & Spiritual Biography: Select Favorites (Rev)
- Theology of the Cross and the Hope of the Resurrection: Select Resources
- Theology, Religion & Ethics
- Tillich, Paul: a bibliography
- Ulrich Zwingli: a bibliography
- Women's History Month: focus on Women in Religion, Bible & Theology
- WorldCat Discovery (catalog)
- Worship
- Writing and Style Guide
- Your Library Guide to Luther Seminary's "ABIDE" Initiative
- Zotero
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