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Bibliographies of Theologians, Thought, and Issues: Home


Here you will find resources related to select Christian theologians** and various theological schools of thought or issues. 


                                 Our current Bibliography of Interest:   Hispanic Ministry, Heritage and Latinx Theology

                                       For recommended Biographies of many of these theologians see our 'Theological and Spiritual Biographies' Guide




The Early Church, ca. 30-600
 Athanasius of Alexandria  Gregory of Nyssa  Gregory of Nazianzus
Augustine, St., Bishop of Hippo Cyril of Alexandria Basil "the Great" of Caesarea
Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyon John Chrysostom Ambrose of Milan
Tertullian  St. Anthony and the Desert Fathers Origen of Alexandria
Saint Jerome   



The Middle Ages, 600-1500
Aquinas, St. Thomas  Julian of Norwich Jan Hus
Francis, of Assisi St. Anselm of Canterbury

Duns Scotus

William of Ockham  Bernard of Clairvaux 

Meister Eckhart 

Maimonides and Jewish Theology Bede the Venerable (new, June 2024) John Wycliffe and the English Bible (new Oct.'24)

The Reformation and Counter Reformation
Jean Calvin                             Erasmus of Rotterdam           Ignatius of Loyola and the Jesuits
Martin Luther Philip Melanchthon Teresa of Avila
Ulrich Zwingli Martin Bucer Heinrich Bullinger (new, June 2024)
Crowmwell, More, and the English Reformation (new Oct.2024) William Tyndale (new Oct.'24)  


The Early Modern Period, 1500-1900


Jonathan Edwards and the Puritans George Whitefield and the 'Great Awakening'
Soren Kierkegaard John Bunyan
John Wesley and the Methodists Friedrich Schleiermacher 



The 20th Century to the Present

                                                                             For dozens more 20th & 21st century theologians search by 'Theological Schools' (above)

Althaus-Reid, Marcella  Dube, Musa

Niebuhr, Reinhold

Barth, Karl Grenz, Stanley Pannenberg, Wolfhart
Bloesch, Donald Gutierrez, Gustavo Sittler, Joseph
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich Isasi-Diaz, Ada Maria Solle, Dorothee
Brueggemann, Walter

Kuyper, Abraham & Public Theology

Tillich, Paul
Bultmann, Rudolph Lewis, C.S.

Wright, N.T.

Cone, James Moltmann, Jurgen Yong, Amos