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St. Teresa of Avila: a bibliography: Home

Teresa of Avila, 1515- 1583

Saint Teresa of Ávila by Eduardo Balaca

Recommended brief Reference sources:

Wikipedia on St. Teresa

Teresa of Avila's Cell in Christian Art

Select Books and Full-text Articles on Teresa of Avila

NOTE: Hundreds more articles may be available on St. Teresa that are not full-text online, but available from our library or via Interlibrary loan.  Simply use the online catalog as follows: If you are looking for books/articles written ABOUT St. Teresa you should search our online catalog or databases for her name as Teresa of Avila, Saint, 1515-1582. If you want to find resources ABOUT Teresa search for Subjects related to her  ("Mysticism—Catholic Church—History—16th century", for example). Also, try searching by "Saint Teresa of Jesus", a Carmelite nun and prominent Spanish mystic.

On the subject of Mystical Theologians, also see our LibGuide, "Mysticism: Ancient, Modern and In-between"

Here's a link to Books on Teresa and her theology available at Luther Sem with hundreds of others available by interlibrary loan in Minnesota (Minitex): See below gallery for select recommended books at Luther Sem.

Also consult the following databases for helpful articles or abstracts on Teresa (both JSTOR and Open Access Theological Library have hundreds of book chapters or articles on St. Teresa

Select Books on St. Teresa at Luther Sem (**designates EBOOKS)