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Racism and Racial Reconciliation
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Racism and Racial Reconciliation: Home
Recent Library Books on Racism and Reconciliation (2021--24)
Confronting Racial Injustice : theory and praxis for the church (2023)
African Biblical Studies : unmasking embedded racism and colonialism in biblical studies (2023)
Heathen: religion and race in American history (2022)
Healing Conversations on Race : four key practices from scripture and psychology (2023)
Black Lives, White Lies: the Need for White Christians to Fight Racism in America (2021)
Recollecting Americas Original Sin : a pilgrimage of race and grace (2022)
Becoming Human: the Holy Spirit and the rhetoric of race (2022)
EBOOK: The church cracked open : disruption, decline, and new hope for beloved community
N : my encounter with racism and the forbidden word in an American classic
Just Care: ethical anti-racist pastoral care with women with mental illness
EBOOK: Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You
Nice White Ladies : the truth about White supremacy, our role in it, and how we can help dismantle it
Improvising Reconciliation: Confession after the Truth Commission
(EBOOK): Hostile heartland : racism, repression, and resistance in the Midwest
The Color of Compromise :: the truth about the American church's complicity in racism
Becoming a White Antiracist: a practical guide for educators, leaders, and activists
I Bring the Voices of My People: a womanist vision for racial reconciliation
White Evangelical Racism : the politics of morality in America
Scrap Racism!!!: the church's response to racism
Praying with Our Feet: pursuing justice and healing on the streets
Black suffering : silent pain, hidden hope
Forgiveness, peacemaking, and reconciliation
White Too Long: the legacy of white supremacy in American Christianity
Trouble I've seen : changing the way the church views racism
Scrap Racism!!!: the church's response to racism
The Assault on Elisha Green : race and religion in a Kentucky community
We Testify with Our Lives: how religion transformed radical thought from black power to Black Lives Matter
Also see our LibGuide on
MLK, DEI, and
Racial Reconciliation
Journal articles on racism--from Luther Sem Library databases
Atla-Religion full-text articles--a sampling from recent years
Recent full-text articles from variety of Luther Sem databases
Websites and other resources on racism
Also see these Library links:
"Racism and Racial Reconciliation as viewed through the lens of two icons
" (H.W. Thurman, M.L. King)
"Asian American Pacific Islanders"
: prejudice and heritage
James Cone: a bibliography
"Racism has a cost for everyone"
: TED talk with
Heather C. McGhee (
Sum of Us
LibGuide on Justice & Social Issues