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Erasmus of Rotterdam : a bibliography: Home

Desiderius Erasmus, 1466--1536


Quick Reference Sources on Erasmus:

Wikipedia on Erasmus: an overview

"Erasmu: Christ's Humanist" in Christian History magazine (issue 145)


Erasmus' Biblical Commentaries (EBOOKS)

Select Books and Full-text Articles on Erasmus

NOTE: Many more articles may be available on Julian that are not full-text online, but available from our library or via Interlibrary loan. Simply use the online catalog as follows: If you are looking for books/articles written BY Erasmus you should search our online catalog or databases by her name; if you want books or articles about Julian, search for by a subject heading ("Anchorites", for example). 

Luther Sem Library has 130 Books on Erasmus (here), including several EBOOKS; plus many additional available by ILL  

Also consult the following databases for helpful articles or abstracts on Erasmus:

For thousands of Primary and Secondary source materials on Erasmus, see this JSTOR link (for Luther Sem students)

Desiderius Erasmus Short Biography: a brief (5 min) documentary on YouTube; Erasmus by Will Durant (also on YouTube, 58 min.)

Books (chiefly EBOOKS) on Erasmus at Luther Library