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Reinhold Niebuhr: a bibliography: Home

Reinhold Niebuhr, 1892- 1971

Reinhold niebuhr.jpg

Quick reference overviews of Niebuhr's life and work:  Wikipedia

EBOOK: Oxford handbook of Reinhold Niebuhr by Robin W Lovin (Ed.) 2021

Cover Art

Books and Ebooks on Niebuhr available through Luther Sem (or see select recommendations below)

Obama’s Favorite Theologian? A Short Course on Reinhold Niebuhr (from the Pew Research Center, 2009)


Journal articles: over 650 full-text peer-reviewed articles on Reinhold Niebuhr from Atla and other databases, via Luther Sem access. Note: hundreds more articles may be available at Luther Library in print or by ILL (though not available online--"Ask a Librarian" for help finding--->)

.  ATLA Religion Database: See above for select articles from Atla database. Here's a PDF link to full-text articles BY Niebuhr : 400+ Articles by Niebuhr from ATLA database

JSTOR :  Access several thousand articles and chapters on Niebuhr via Luther Seminary's access to JSTOR

   Academic Search Premier :  An index to academic journal literature

   Religious and Theological Abstracts :  Index to articles in religion and theology since 1958, with about 300 article abstracts on "Reinhold Niebuhr"

Other Online Resources for Niebuhr Studies

Over 130 full text articles and dissertations on Niebuhr in Open Access Theological Library

Search Tips

Looking for books written BY Niebuhr? Try searching our online catalog for his name as an AUTHOR (Reinhold Niebuhr 1892-1971.) For books ABOUT Niebuhr  search for him as a SUBJECT. (Be sure to distinguish from Reinhold's brother, ethicist H.Richard Niebuhr)

"The Serenity Prayer" as offered by Reinhold Niebuhr

Select EBOOKS on Niebuhr (many others also available)

Select Luther Sem Library Books on or by Niebuhr (** indicates EBOOK)