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Science and Theology/Religion: a brief bibliography: Home

John Polkinghorne (1930-2021 ): Science & Religion/Theology

Bibliographic overviews of Polkinghorne's life and work:

Wikipedia--an introduction to Polkinghorne

Books and Chapters by Polkinghorne available at Luther Sem

YouTube lecture by and discussion with Polkinghorne

Search Tips

If you are looking for books written BY Polkinghorne you should search our online catalog** for his name as an AUTHOR: J C Polkinghorne 1930-2021.

If you want to find resources ABOUT Polkinghorne or his theology, search for his name as a SUBJECT:

J C Polkinghorne 1930-2021., or "Religion and science"  for example.


Select Books by John Polkinghorne

New books on Science & Theology or Religion (2022-2024)...see more below


Select full-text articles on Polkinghorne from ATLA database via Luther Sem catalog access

 JSTOR and JSTOR ebooks: use Advanced Search mode to specify 'Book Chapters' or full-text articles on Polkinghorne

Free access to several full text articles and ebook chapters on Polkinghorne, including this 2020 doctoral dissertation: 

Providence and space-time : rethinking God's relation to the world through the eyes of John Polkinghorne


For more resources and research helps concerning 'Science and Religion' see this Research Guide

Here are some other scientists, past or present, with a 'theological focus':              Francis Collins, Wolfhart Pannenberg, Ian Barbour, Blaise Pascal, Alister McGrath**, Werner Heisenberg, Johannes Kepler, Arthur Peacocke, Teilhard de Chardinand many others.; also see this YouTube on '10 leading scientists on science and faith'

recent books on science and religion, cont'd (**designates EBOOK)