These are some of the Library of Congress Subject Headings that you can use to search for philosophy in WorldCat. Type "su:" and the subject heading to search, or do a keyword search and look at the subject headings assigned to individual books to find other useful headings.
A selection of open internet resources for information about philosophy.
You can search the following DATABASES much like you would search the library catalog. Searching by keyword will turn up a list of items that you can scan for the subject headings assigned to them. You can use these subject headings to do a more precise search for the type of articles you want. Alternatively, you can browse the databases' indexes to see what subjects they contain, and use those subjects to search.
ATLA Religion Database is focused on religion, theology and related philosophy.
The following are general academic databases, so they have articles on a range of topics. They can also be a good source for philosophy articles.
JSTOR has a subject index that you can browse. Otherwise, searching JSTOR is by keyword, author or title.
Twentieth Century Religious Thought allows you to search the content of an array of important 20th century texts. It has a subject index that you can browse, and an advanced search option that allows you to search texts precisely.
Perplexed about Theology or Philosophy? See our series of books, "Guide for the Perplexed" and its original author, Maimonides.
Theodicy: the Problem of Evil vs. the Goodness of God (in process: feedback welcome!)
Process Theology, Open Theism, and Christian Panentheism (in process)
Freedom vs. Determinism (in process)
Epistemology: How Do We Know Anything?
Justice vs. Grace and Love (in process)
Eleonore Stump (1947- ); WIkipedia; "Closer to Truth"; Luther Sem Resources
Alvin Plantinga (1932- ): Wikipedia
Antony Flew (1923- 2010): Wikipedia
William Lane Craig (1949- ): Wikipedia
Alasdair C MacIntyre (1929- ): Wikipedia
Paul Ricœur (1913- 2005): Wikipedia
Richard Granville Swinburne (1934-- ): Wikipedia
John Harwood Hick (1922--2012): Wikipedia; BCEWT
Nicholas Paul Wolterstorff (1932-- ): Wikipedia
Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768 –1834)
Philo of Alexandria (c.20 BCE- c.50CE): Wikipedia; Stanford Encyc of Philosophy
Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Donald M. Borchert, ed.
B41 .E5 2006 Ref.
Also available online as an ebook
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Edward Craig, ed. B51 .R68 Ref.