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Bloesch, Donald G.: a bibliography, and other Evangelical Theologians: Home

Here you will find resources by and about Donald Bloesch, a prominent Evangelical theologian of the 20th century, as well as a few other notable Evangelical theologians

Donald G. Bloesch: a bibliography, with brief bibliographies for Vanhoozer, Packer, Yong, and other notable Evangelical theologians of the 20th or 21st century

Donald Bloesch (1928- 2010)

Bibliographic overviews of Bloesch's life and work:

Select, recent Articles on Evangelical Theology:

Featured Books by Bloesch

A few other notable Evangelical scholars of the 20th and 21st century: Books and Journal Articles

Digital Theological Library:  About 100 downloadable articles on Bloesch in the OADTL database

JSTOR ebooks: use Advanced Search mode to specify 'Book Chapters' or Articles on Bloesch. There are over 500 book chapters and articles available on or by Brueggemann

Project Muse database: numerous fulltext articles on/by Brueggemann

Billy Graham, Billy Sunday and Revivalism in 20th century America: a sampling of books

Recent Journal Articles (since 2021) on Evangelicalism from the ATLA Database

Recent, notable books on Evangelicalism

Introducing Evangelical Ecotheology