WorldCat searches::
Luther Library staff show you (via video-capture) how to find books, journal articles, and more in Luther Seminary Library:
This guide will help interpret how you can search WorldCat Discovery and what you will be able to find. Start your search from the tabbed search box on the library website.
Search for books, DVDs, etc. in WorldCat. Titles owned by our library will display first, followed by those owned by the libraries in our consortium
Search for titles of print and e-journals available through the library, e.g. Word & World
Searches all together our four primary licensed journal article databases -- the ATLA Religion Database, Religious & Theological Abstracts, Academic Search Premier, and Expanded Academic Index. NOTE: Each database also can be searched individually through its own interface by clicking on the link below the search box.
All Formats
Search for all material formats: books, eBooks, journal articles from selected databases, and more