Tips for accessing BOOKS on Bonhoeffer: Many of the titles included on these pages are books found in Luther Seminary Library and only available to seminary students. However, you may be able to borrow these same titles from your local public library. Make note of the title, author and ISBN of the desired book and ask your local library to request the book by "Interlibrary Loan" (ILL). Otherwise, of course, you may choose to buy certain titles from your favorite bookstore or online book source.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Gallery of Family, Friends, & co-Conspirators: from Christian History Institute
The Dietrich Bonhoeffer Institute- Christian intellectual organization which hosts discussions on political issues among clergy and other institution leaders.
English translations of Bonhoeffer's works, most of which were originally written in German, are available. Many of his lectures and books were translated into English over the years and are available from multiple publishers. All sixteen volumes of the English Bonhoeffer Works Edition of Bonhoeffer's Oeuvre and a volume of selected readings entitled The Dietrich Bonhoeffer Reader (a chronological view of Bonhoeffer's theological development) is available from many booksellers.
Bonhoeffer's Complete Works: Readers Edition: Using the acclaimed Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works English translation and adapted to a more accessible format, these new editions of Discipleship, Ethics, Letters and Papers from Prison, and Life Together feature the latest translations of Bonhoeffer's works, with supplemental material. (Fortress Press, ISBN: 978-1506406503)
For a list of films, plays, and theatre on Bonhoeffer's life, as well as a list of Fortress Press editions of Bonhoeffer's works, see this Wikipedia link (near bottom).
"A Reader's Guide to Bonhoeffer Biographies"--excellent summary of biographies from the Lutheran Forum
Bonhoeffer Sources at Union Theological Seminary's Burke Library: Bibliographies and Archival Collections
A collection of inspirational writings from Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The crown jewel of Bonhoeffer's body of work, Ethics is the culmination of his theological and personal odyssey.
"Cheap grace is the mortal enemy of our church. Our struggle today is for costly grace."
Interested in learning more about this topic? Check out the course that accompanies this resource guide: Faith, Lies & Spies: Bonhoeffer's Life and You