"Anselm, the Ontological Argument, Faith and Reason" from Breakpoint.org
"Anselm: Ontological Argument for God's Existence"--from Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Peer-reviewed)
Atheism in the Bible and through Christian History: See the Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception Online
For other issues/debates in Philosophical Theology, see this Bibliography
A Timeline of Scholars on 'Atheism/Theism' linked to Wikipedia or LibGuides:
Tertullian... Anselm... Maimonides; ... Aquinas... Pascal... Ockham... Descartes... Hume... Kant... Kierkegaard... Antony Flew;...Swinburne;... Plantinga;... Craig;...
Related topics to consider, with links to Wikipedia:
"Atheism"; "Agnosticism"; "Atheism during the Age of Enlightenment"; "Atheism in the African Diaspora"; "New Atheism"; "Pascal's Wager"; "open theism";
The "Four Horsemen of the New Atheism": Richard Dawkins; Christopher Hitchens; Daniel Dennett; Sam Harris (and formerly, Ayaan Hirsi Ali);
Does God Exist? William Lane Craig vs. Christopher Hitchens: The 2009 debate via YouTube (The debate verbatim and in summary form)
Richard Dawkins vs Ayaan Hirsi Ali: The God Debate (YouTube, 2024): Ayaan Hirsi Ali's conversion in 2023 from Atheism to Christianity
Other links to Ayaan Hirsi Ali conversion:
"The Life and Faith of Blaise Pascal", by John Stonestreet and Glenn Sunshine, in Colson Center for Christian Worldview, August 2024