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Biblical Studies Online: Home

Biblical Studies Online: online resources available 24/7 to Luther students via Luther Library subscriptions and acquisitions       

  • For New Books in Biblical Studies (both print and ebook formats) see "New Books in Biblical Studies"
  • For an Orientation to Biblical Studies resources including 'exegesis', commentaries, articles, Hebrew & Greek language tools, and Accordance software, see our general Bible Study Guide, as well as our Video Tutorials for using Luther Library


Bible-related Databases 


(ATLA Religion Database                                           (also see our tutorial on using ATLA)

Biblical Studies : Annual collections of scholarly bible and biblical related publications curated by Bloomsbury; or see Biblical Studies listed by years.

Online Bible Commentaries, Bible-related ebooks


Anchor Yale Bible CommenariesAnchor/Yale Bible Commentaries (86 vols of scholarly commentaries on almost every book of Bible)

Hermeneia: A Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible 

International Critical Commentary

Luther's Works (English translation including many commentaries)

New Interpreter's Bible Commentary (in Ministry Matters database)

Individual EBOOKs on Bible:: search our  online 'Catalog' by Bible book; add filter for ebooks, for ex: Subject: "Bible Genesis" finds 55 e-commentaries on Genesis.

Online Bible Dictionaries & Encyclopedias


Online Journals in Biblical Studies: a few 'full-text' journals currently available in Luther's databases:
Search using ATLA Database: Concordia Journal; Currents in Theology and Mission; Journal for the Study of the Old Testament; Journal for the Study of the New Testament; Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion; Journal of Biblical Theology; Journal of Biblical Literature; Journal of Theological Interpretation; Lutheran Quarterly; Unio cum Christo; 
Also available full-text: Journal of the American Academy of Religion (Oxford Univ link)Interpretation: a Journal of Bible and Theology (Sage Pubs)

Bible Commentary and Criticism: Recent Ebooks