Biblical Studies Online: online resources available 24/7 to Luther students via Luther Library subscriptions and acquisitions
(ATLA Religion Database (also see our tutorial on using ATLA)
Biblical Studies : Annual collections of scholarly bible and biblical related publications curated by Bloomsbury; or see Biblical Studies listed by years.
Anchor/Yale Bible Commentaries (86 vols of scholarly commentaries on almost every book of Bible)
Hermeneia: A Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible
International Critical Commentary
Luther's Works (English translation including many commentaries)
New Interpreter's Bible Commentary (in Ministry Matters database)
Individual EBOOKs on Bible:: search our online 'Catalog' by Bible book; add filter for ebooks, for ex: Subject: "Bible Genesis" finds 55 e-commentaries on Genesis.
Art and the Bible--free database for Bible-related art
Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception
New Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible (in Ministry Matters database)
New Oxford annotated Bible with Apocrypha
Oxford Encyclopedia of Biblical Interpretation
Oxford Encyclopedia of the Books of the Bible
Oxford History of the Biblical World
Oxford Handbooks (125 Handbooks on the Bible & Religion)