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Bible Study and Research: New Books in Bible & biblical studies


New Biblical studies books added to Library in February 2025

Recent Journal Articles in Biblical Studies

Enjoy the latest articles by Luther Sem's own Faculty, from Word & World, most recent issues, accessed via Luther Library's subscription to ATLA -Religion Database. Here are a few recent articles from the current (44.3) issue:

Elton, Terri Martinson. “The Future of Congregations: Cruciform Communities of Hope.” Word & World 44, no. 3 (Sum 2024): 282–93.

Zscheile, Dwight J. “Shifting Ministry Paradigms: From Primarily Clergy-Led, Lay-Supported, to Lay-Led, Clergy Supported.” Word & World 44, no. 3 (Sum 2024): 315–26. 

Anderson, Jon V Bishop. “Ministry In Rural and Small Town Settings.” Word & World 44, no. 3 (Sum 2024): 304–14.

Steinke, Robin J, and Jeannette Ada Maina. “Leadership Wisdom from the Global Church: A Journey of Accompaniment.” Word & World 44, no. 3 (Sum 2024): 294–303.

Lange, Dirk G. “An Unassuming yet Surprising Common Word: The Lutheran-Roman Catholic Joint Commission on Unity.” Word & World 44, no. 3 (Sum 2024): 365–76. 

Sanders, Cody J. “Feral Hope for Futurist Leaders.” Word & World 44, no. 3 (Sum 2024): 355–64. 

Shore, Mary Hinkle. “Word and Sacrament: The Spirit’s Gifts for a Divided World.” Word & World 44, no. 3 (Sum 2024): 327–39.

Also found in the ATLA Database: Journal of Biblical Literature and Lutheran Quarterly

     New Full-text Articles in ATLA from Lutheran Quarterly or Journal of Biblical Literature  

Finally, here's a sampling of several full-text Bible-related journal articles from a recent ATLA search. Articles are from some of the following: Jewish Bible Quarterly , Concordia Theological Quarterly , Old Testament Essays, Journal of Theological Interpretation , The Christian Century , Journal of Latin American Theology:   ATLA full-text articles--a sampling

additional new books in biblical studies, cont'd

Recently added EBOOKS in Biblical Studies (2024-25)