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Luther Seminary
Luther Seminary
Bibliographic Subject of the Month
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Bibliographic Subject of the Month: Home
Each month a different theme is chosen, often in conjunction with holidays or current issues in the news
Bibliographic Subject of the Month: Earth Care
Theme Bibliography for April: Earth Care/Ecotheology
See our
Joseph Sittler & Ecotheology" LibGuide
Lutherans Restoring Creation
a grassroots movement promoting care for creation in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
A Call to Environmental Stewardship
(for Earth Day 2021), by Grace Pomroy
Sources for Eco-theology
a website, including links to the "Working Preacher"
Ecotheo Review
An open access journal. "Our mission is to enliven conversations and commitments around ecology, spirituality, art."
Climate Care and Christian Faith:
ELCA Churches respond (Nov. 2022)
This link opens in a new window
Information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment.
Recent Books on Ecotheology or Earth Care