William Wilberforce by Karl Hickel, 1794
Wilberforce: a helpful intro from Wikipedia
100 Books on Wilberforce at LS Library
JSTOR (Luther Sem access): almost 2000 book chapters and academic articles on Wilberforce
William Wilberforce & Slave Trade Act of 1807 (YouTube: 3-minute excerpt/ending to Amazing Grace film)
Slavery and the Bible and the Church's Response to Slavery
The Dark History of Slavery in America
A History of Slavery in the United States: excerpt from Calvin Schermerhorn’s Unrequited Toil: A History of United States Slavery
The Peculiar Institution, pt. 15, by Darryl Cooper
Global Slavery from Ancient Times to our 21st Century:
Slavery in ancient Rome (from the British Museum)
Human Trafficking in its Various Forms
William Wilberforce and Slavery: from Christian History Institute
A Timeline: William Wilberforce and the Abolition of the Slave Trade
The “Shrimp” Who Stopped Slavery
William Wilberforce and the Century of Reform (issue#53 from Christian History magazine)
"Am I Not A Man And A Brother?" Medallion created as part of anti-slavery campaign by Josiah Wedgwood, 1787
Gordon, a slave from Louisiana, in 1863. The scars are the result of a whipping by his overseer.
Barefooted slaves depicted in David Roberts' Egypt and Nubia, issued between 1845 and 1849