Dr. Joseph Sittler Speaks at Augsburg (1969)
We've chosen Joseph Sittler to represent ecotheology partly because of his midwestern roots as a Lutheran theologian, but also because he is considered to be the early pioneer of 'ecotheology' . See the 2014 dissertation by Pihkala, "Joseph Sittler and Early Ecotheology" (see Abstract)
Bibliographic overview of Sittler's life and work:
Our JSTOR database provides several hundred downloadable articles and ebook chapters on both Ecotheology and Sittler: When you open the JSTOR search page, select Advanced Search and then indicate Books and articles
If you are looking for books about ecotheology, try searching our online catalog** by that subject; see additional search-tips on our LibGuide for 'Religion and Ecology' and our LibGuide on Climate Change.
Also, be sure to look for books and articles by these scholars related to ecotheology or ecology or environmental ethics:
Jurgen Moltmann, Teilhard de Chardin, Jacques Ellul, Alan Padgett, Leah Schade, Wendell Berry, Noah Toly, Joseph Sittler
**Luther Seminary Library Online Catalog
Online catalog to the Luther Seminary Library collection and resources held across the country.
ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials PLUS
Religious and theological database of citations and full-text articles and essays.