Portrait by Hans Asper, c. 1550
Bibliographic overviews of Bullinger's life and work:
Books on or by Bullinger (includes many microfilm): available from Luther Sem
Wikipedia--an introduction to Bullinger
See our database: Christian Classics Ethereal Library on Bullinger and his Theology
Also see The Cambridge companion to Reformed Theology (2016). (Eds: Paul T Nimmo and David Fergusson
See this issue of Christian History magazine for its historical context of Bullinger's life and works
. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials PLUS : See above for select articles from Atla database
Academic Search Premier : An index to academic journal literature
JSTOR and JSTOR ebooks: use Advanced Search mode to specify 'Book Chapters' or Books on Bullinger
Religious and Theological Abstracts : Index to articles in religion and theology since 1958, with article abstracts on Bullinger (including English and non-English academic articles)
If you are looking for books written BY Bullinger you should search our online catalog** for his name as an AUTHOR.
If you want to find resources ABOUT Bullinger or his theology, search for his name as a SUBJECT (Heinrich Bullinger 1504-1575.)
Luther Seminary Library Online Catalog**
Online catalog to the Luther Seminary Library collection and resources held across the country.