6th c. Syriac portrait: Eusebius of Caesarea
Wikipedia: Introduction to Eusebius
Extensive bibliography at EarlyChurch.org
For hundreds of additional articles see NOTE below
NOTE: Hundreds more articles may be available on Eusebius that are not full-text online, but available from our library or via Interlibrary loan.
Luther Sem Library has over 100 Books (English) on Eusebius (here); plus many others available by ILL.
Also consult the following databases for helpful articles or abstracts on Eusebius:
Academic Search Premier : 50 select full-text articles on Eusebius
ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials PLUS (see above PDF on Eusebius)
JSTOR: 50 journal articles or book chapters on Eusebius