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Beginning November 23rd all exterior doors on campus will lock and remain locked at all times going forward. After this time, your Luther Seminary ID will be required for building access. If you are a community member, you will need to use the video intercom located at the front door of Gullixson Hall (West door).  

Luther Seminary Library is open to the public 9am-3pm Monday-Friday, and closed on weekends.

March Library Hours (Luther Seminary Students, Faculty, and Staff)

March 1-15  
Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:45pm
Saturday & Sunday CLOSED
March 16-31  
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 8:00am-4:45pm
Tuesday and Thursday 8:00am-6:45pm
Saturday 12:00pm-4:45pm

Bible study research aids

Arts, archives and special collections

Featured new books in the library

Luther Seminary home page

JSTOR articles and eBooks

Theology and religion articles and essays in ATLA database

Academic writing assistance

Digital scholarship at Luther Seminary open access

Contact Us

General Questions:


Inter-Library Loan, Reserves, Patron Accounts:


Circulation Desk Phone: 651-641-3447