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The God Debate: from the Ancient Arguments to the New Atheism: Home

The God Debate: from the Ancient Arguments to the New Atheism

Select Books on the Existence of God Debate: From Pascal to Plantinga

Select Articles and Websites on Atheism/Theism

"Anselm, the Ontological Argument, Faith and Reason" from 

"Anselm: Ontological Argument for God's Existence"--from Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Peer-reviewed)

Atheism in the Bible and through Christian History:  See the Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception Online 

For other issues/debates in Philosophical Theology, see this Bibliography

Who should I read on the question of atheism and the existence of God?

A Timeline of Scholars on 'Atheism/Theism' linked to Wikipedia or LibGuides:

Tertullian... Anselm... Maimonides; ... Aquinas... Pascal... Ockham...  Descartes...  Hume... Kant... Kierkegaard... Antony Flew;...Swinburne;... Plantinga;... Craig;... 

Related topics to consider, with links to Wikipedia:

"Atheism";  "Agnosticism";  "Atheism during the Age of Enlightenment";   "Atheism in the African Diaspora""New Atheism" "Pascal's Wager"

The "Four Horsemen of the New Atheism": Richard DawkinsChristopher Hitchens;  Daniel DennettSam Harris (and formerly, Ayaan Hirsi Ali); 

The Debate Continues--from Pascal to Plantinga