Theses at Luther Seminary: Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.), Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), and Master of Theology (M.Th.) are shelved on the last aisle of Level 4 of the bookstacks. They are arranged alphabetically by author within degree groupings. Theses are able to be checked out.
Search for theses using Advanced Search in the library catalog through keywords; e. g. Enter topical terms as keywords or keywords in title. Always enter thesis as keyword.
In Advanced Search, limit your search to theses or dissertations in our library through the drop down menu settings as shown below.
If you are looking for theses within a certain degree program, construct your keyword search as follows: thesis d.min [or ph.d or m.a] leadership
A growing number of theses written for degrees at Luther Seminary are available electronically.
To discover and also view the full text of these digital theses, do a keyword search in our catalog as indicated in the left hand box on this screen. The electronic theses will be indicated by " Computer File" appearing in the record below the title and author information.
To access the full text of the thesis, click on the thesis title to be taken to the full record and click on the lilnk appearing in the “Find a copy online” box.