Have you been using EndNote for a while? Do you have a substantial collection of resources that you'd rather not have to re-collect once you move to Zotero? No worries, there is a fairly simple process for getting your saved citations out of EndNote and getting them into Zotero. This page will tell you how.
Background: Zotero works with RIS files, not the proprietary ENL files used by EndNote, so the first step of this process is to convert your EndNote files (.enl) to the type of .ris files that Zotero can read.
1. Go to the EndNote Output Style Repository and download the latest version of the "Reference Manager (RIS) Export" style. (You can quickly find it among the EndNote styles by typing Reference Manager into the search box on the style repository landing page.
2. After you have downloaded this style in EndNote, do the following:
Please note that if you are currently running EndNote X1 or earlier (this means you haven't updated since 2008), there is a separate set of instructions that can be found in the EndNote online knowledge base.
3. If you want Zotero to bring in any file attachments saved in your EndNote library (perhaps PDFs of articles that you've saved), follow these steps to edit the RIS file that you just downloaded.
L1 - `File Attachments|`
4. Exporting EndNote Records
Note: If you wish to export only a portion of your EndNote library, select the items you wish to move. If you select nothing and use the following instructions, you will move everything.
In Zotero:
For additional help with this process, you can search and post in the Zotero forums, which can be enormously helpful as you use this program. The Zotero community is active and willing to help.