Print Books and Ebooks on Irenaeus linked to Luther Sem Library on Irenaeus
Bibliographic overviews of Irenaeus's life and work:
See our database: CCEL (Christian Classics Ethereal Library) for Irenaeus' works and History of the Christian Church, Volume II: Ante-Nicene Christianity
For an excellent overview of Irenaeus's life, works and theology, see Wikipedia
Also: "Britannica Academic" (Luther Sem database): Saint Irenaeus"
See this issue of Christian History magazine for its fine overview of Irenaeus's life and works
Academic Search Premier : An index to academic journal literature
. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials PLUS : See above for select articles from Atla database
JSTOR : Access to Arts and Sciences III and the Religion and Theology collections
Religious and Theological Abstracts : Index to articles in religion and theology since 1958, with over 400 article abstracts on Irenaeus (including English and non-English academic articles)
JSTOR : use Advanced Search mode to find several thousand 'Book Chapters' orJournal articles on Irenaeus
For digital resources, including rare manuscripts, on/of Irenaeus, see the Digital Vatican Library
If you are looking for books written BY Irenaeus you should search our online catalog** for his name as an AUTHOR.
If you want to find resources ABOUT Irenaeus or his theology, search for his name as a SUBJECT (Irenaeus Saint, Bishop of Lyon.)
Luther Seminary Library Online Catalog
Online catalog to the Luther Seminary Library collection and resources held across the country.
ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials PLUS
Religious and theological database of citations and full-text articles and essays.